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V-Cap Capacitors:

CuTF / ODAM / TONE / TFTF and OIMP series

V-Cap CuTF Series Audio Capacitors
Copper Foil and Fluoropolymer Film
V-Cap Copper Foil and Fluoropolymer Film capacitors
V-Cap CuTF
Copper Foil and Fluoropolymer Film
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The V-Cap CuTF series (copper foil and fluoropolymer film) capacitor leverages the musicality of pure of copper foil with the expertise, materials and processses of the most innovative companies from around the World. Please visit V-Cap website for more information, reviews, and physical dimensions.

Please note the V-Cap CuTF is discounted based on a quantity pricing schedule. The more you buy, the greater the discount (up to 25 pieces). Simply change quantity and add to your cart to view discounts.

If you are an OEM or audio component repair/modification industry professional, please contact us for pricing details

V-Cap ODAM Series Audio Capacitors
Oil Damped Advanced Metalized
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V-Cap ODAM (Oil)
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For years, audiophiles have faced a difficult choice between the grain-free, musical attributes of true film/foil capacitors, vs the smaller size and relative cost effectiveness of metallized film designs.

In 2005 VH Audio took that challenge head on, launching the V-Cap OIMP series: the ground breaking Oil  Impregnated  Metallized  Polypropylene film capacitor series we proudly refer to as “one of the most transparent and musical oil capacitors ever made.”

Offering transparency, reliability and unprecedented low noise; the OIMP found immediate, enthusiastic market acceptance. Building on his experience, VH Audio founder Chris VenHaus has leveraged more than ten years of innovation in manufacturing, material sciences and metallurgy to again advance the state of the art in cap design and manufacturing.

The new V-Cap ODAM series sets a new standard for transparency, musicality and reliability in a compact form factor.

The responses from our testers - a diverse group of modification professionals, OEMs and audiophiles... has been extraordinary.

Please visit the V-Cap website for more information, or click the blue button below for a table of physical dimensions & pricing.

V-Caps are discounted based on a quantity pricing schedule. The more you buy, the greater the discount (up to 25 pieces). Simply change quantity and add to your cart to view discounts.

If you are an OEM or audio component repair/modification industry professional, please contact us for pricing details

V-Cap TONE Series Capacitors
Electric Guitars and Guitar Amplifiers
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Guitar and Guitar Amplifier capacitors

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The new V-Cap TONE capacitor series takes the time-honored PIO concept and reimagines it, with bleeding-edge manufacturing techniques and materials, American craftsmanship, and some serious experience designing what many audiophiles feel are the best high-end audio capacitors ever made.

The V-Cap TONE Capacitors were specifically designed for guitar tone pots and guitar amplifiers.

The new V-Cap TONE series helps you extract a more expressive pallete that better reflects the unique character of your instrument. When used in vacuum tube guitar amplifiers, you capture that sweet 'vintage' vibe, but gain even better reliability and performance.

These comments from some of the best guitar players, manufacturers, luthiers, and techs... speak for themselves.

Please visit the V-Cap website for more information, or click the blue button below for a table of physical dimensions & pricing.

If you are a professional luthier, tech, or instrument manufacturer, please contact us for pricing details

V-Cap TFTF Series Audio Capacitors
Fluoropolymer Film and Tin Foil (Discontinued)
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Fluoropolymer Film and Tin Foil
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The V-Cap TFTF series was introduced in 2004, and has since been replaced by the CuTF series. VH Audio has a limited amount of stock to offer at a steep 50% discount.

The V-Cap TFTF series Fluoropolymer Film and Tin Foil capacitors are among the most coveted signal caps on the market. Most commonly used for interstage and output signal coupling in tubed electronics, as well as speaker crossovers. The countless superlatives used by industry icons and DIY'ers to describe the quality of these capacitors are too numerous to list in this section, so please visit the V-Cap website for more information, reviews, and physical dimensions.

V-Cap OIMP Series Audio Capacitors
Oil Impregnated Metalized Polypropylene (Discontinued)
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V-Cap OIMP (Oil)
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The V-Cap OIMP series capacitors are renowned for virtues only previously found in Paper-in-Oil caps, but with better transparency, and signficiantly better reliability. While a cost-effective and space-saving alternative for larger value TFTF series caps, it's also a secret ingredient in many high-end loudspeakers, SS amps, and DAC's. The countless superlatives used by industry icons and DIY'ers to describe the quality of these capacitors are too numerous to list in this section, so please visit the V-Cap website for more information, reviews, and physical dimensions.

Please note the V-Caps are discounted based on a quantity pricing schedule. The more you buy, the greater the discount (up to 25 pieces). Simply change quantity and add to your cart to view discounts.

If you are an OEM or audio component repair/modification industry professional, please contact us for pricing details

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